Driving in the New York Winter
According to a recent article by CNN, “[this is] the fifth consecutive season that at least 30 inches of snow have fallen in New York City. The only other recorded time it snowed this much, for this long a period, was back in the 1880s (Enten)”. With increased rates of snowfall and ice on the roads, drivers living in New York City have to be very careful while they brave their morning commute.
If you’ve been living in New York City for the past few years, you may have experienced the largest snowstorm in the history of the city; in January 2016, New York City experienced a 27.5-inch snowstorm and the only subzero temperature since 1994. The National Weather Service is warning people to exercise extreme caution due to record levels of snowfall and inclement weather. Naturally, citizens need to take extra precautions during the winter months due to dangerous conditions on the road.
More Snow More Problems
Remember this: when the road is icy and/or wet, it takes a much longer time to come to a complete stop in a motor vehicle. By not leaving enough space in front of their car, a driver will not have enough time to break in the event of a sudden stop. This can lead to the driver losing control of the vehicle, which can result in a rear-end collision. These types of accidents can be mitigated if drivers leave enough extra space between their automobile and the automobile in front of them. It’s a simple equation that far too many people do not seem to follow: more space equates to more reaction time.
Winter Driving Tips
There are quite a few strategies you can use to lower your risk of a car accident in New York City during the winter months.
- Accelerate and decelerate slowly. If you accelerate or slam on the breaks too quickly on an icy patch, it can send your car spinning. Remember, inclement weather will increase brake time.
- Your margin of safety between cars should increase. If you are driving on the highway, allow yourself a breaking distance of 7-10 seconds from the car in front of you. When it is not icy out and visibility is ideal, the recommended time is 3-4 seconds.
- Keep your gas tank at least half full at all times. This will help avoid a gas line freeze.
- Regardless of the weather, always wear a seatbelt and encourage your passengers to do the same.
- That text or phone call can wait. According to the Department of Motor Vehicles, 9 people in the U.S. are killed each day as a result of crashes involving a distracted driver.
Automobile Accident Attorneys in New York City
Even if you follow every safety precaution recommended, there is always a chance that another driver could rear-end your vehicle. With record levels of snowfall and a record number of miles driven in the U.S. last year, the occurrence of automobile accidents is not on the decline. If you’ve been involved in an automobile accident in New York City, Argyopoulos & Associates is here to represent you. With over 27 years of legal practice, we have the experience needed to settle any legal conundrum. If you need representation, contact us today to speak with an attorney.
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